present continuous words

. One simple example of this tense is: He is swimming. Every Monday, Sally (drive) her kids to football practice. Signup to our newsletter "English in your Inbox" to receive your monthly fix of English by email. Why aren't you doing your homework? Like we already discussed, the present continuous is a very useful tense for natural-sounding conversations with English speakers. Karena dapat digunakan pada present atau future, tense ini sering diiringi adverbial of time untuk memperjelasnya. The present perfect continuous usually emphasizes duration, or the amount of time that an action has been taking place. Here are some more examples of this use: In addition to the above, the present continuous tense can be used to describe actions that are being repeated. Present continuous 3 Plans for next month. So we think of these situations as temporary and expect them to end soon. (Note how often the word "always" is used in such statements): Put the following words or phrases into a sentence in the present continuous tense. PRESENT CONTINUOUS Read the clues and fill in the missing words. Found inside – Page 374The present participle is used with the auxiliary verb be to form the progressive tenses , as in The cattle are feeding on the lush grass , and The ... “Are you eating an apple now?” What are you doing tonight?. The most common questions words are: what, where, who, why and which. Remember: We use the present simple with stative verbs. Here are some examples: We understand when we hear these sentences that as soon as Jane’s car is repaired she will stop driving her husband’s, and that some time soon I will find a place of my own to live. Let us now better understand the present tense, which will enable us to know more about the application of the system and its rules. Present continuous 3 Plans for next month. Using “present progressive” gives us a better idea of its meaning – the word “progressive” suggests that something is in progress or changing. We didn’t get this meaning with our other examples – there was no change involved when we said “Superman is flying” and “She’s driving her husband’s car”. Present Simple vs Present Continuous Word Order PowerPoint Activity. 1 W A T 2 C H I N G ACROSS 1. Found inside... have tolhadto: Applying for aiqb I I _ word building: noun endings questions and short answers; Present Continuous and Present Simple: Readmg an em" ... She is going to be married next month. For example, I am eating the meal. When you feel they’re ready, start using negative build-up: “Are you brushing your teeth now?” The stocks are dropping constantly due to the economy. Present continuous is used to talk about future arrangements. - English Grammar Today - a reference to written and spoken English grammar and usage - Cambridge Dictionary at the moment. We use the present continuous tense: 1. The actions of “getting taller” and “going up” are both in progress at the time of speaking and are probably temporary too. Some verbs are not normally used with present continuous because these verbs are not normally action verbs, for example: free grammar worksheets, games and activities, A Guide to Testing in English Language Teaching, Passengers – a personalised listening activity, Most verbs ending in consonant + vowel + consonant, Verbs ending in consonant + vowel + consonant where the last consonant is “w”, “x” or “y”, I’m staying with a friend in London. Suzan is ironing her clothes right now. We have to be a bit careful with signal words though – they can just as easily signal another tense: Past Continuous Present continuous is used to talk about changing situations. Negatives. The following words/phrases can indicate that Present Perfect Progressive should be used: all day. - my birthday. Some verbs are normally not used with the Present Continuous. I hope you'll keep doing these practice exercises until making the verb fom becomes really easy, because this makes life much more simple. In the second sentence though the emphasis is on the fact that John and Anna’s situation (having to play tennis) is a temporary one, which we expect to end just as soon as the gym reopens. © 2021 LoveToKnow Media. The present continuous tense has several uses. Put the words in the correct order. The structure of the Present Continuous tense is: The auxiliary verb (be) is conjugated in the Present Simple: am, are, is. Present continuous tense can be used to express something happening right now or to express something that is not happening right now. present continuous tense. Found inside – Page 21N M we add Oa future L Page 6 of 38 Present continuous tense for the future ... talk We word. about only N before "Future the use A future—if we the words" ... In Present Continuous, to show an ongoing action, we usually use the words like: - now, at the moment, right/just now - this afternoon/week/month, etc. We can't use any continuous tense (including the present continuous tense, of . PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE Present Continuous Tense indicate an action which is in progress at the time of speaking or at the present time. If instead he chooses to say “I’m staying with a friend in London” he gives the impression that it’s only temporary – he’s staying with his friend now but expects to find his own place soon. We use present progressive to show that an action or occurrence happens repeatedly around the time of speaking. A different student comes up and says, “What are you doing?” This student says another action, and the person who asked has to start doing that action. Found inside – Page 48How some words change in indirect speech Present continuous tense changes to past continuous tense. • Present perfect tense changes to past perfect tense. Verbs not use in the Continuous. Then he sits down and the student who asked begins to do the action that the other student said. School subject: English as a Second Language (ESL) Grade/level: Grade 4-5. 06 signal words 07 signal words 08 word order 09 word order. Present continuous tense expresses the ongoing action or task of the present. Found inside – Page 132Also called present progressive . For example , I am working now . pronoun : A word that takes the place of a noun . ( See subject pronoun ) question word ... Found insidePresent participle The form of a verb used to indicate continuous action ending in 'ing. Present perfect The verb tense we use to describe actions that have ... This is Lesson 3 of a series that will teach you all about the Present Continuous tense in English. / shopping / am / I / going /, 5: raining / outside / is / ./ a / It / lot, 6: football / is / her / She / . ESL Present Continuous Activity - Reading, Writing and Matching - Beginner (A1) - 25 minutes. In the second example the speaker is annoyed at Bob’s constant complaining. Language: English. This book with answers has clear explanations and practice exercises that have helped millions of people around the world improve their English. The present continuous or the present progressive tense is used to tell about whatever action is happening at the time of speaking. is being dressed are being dressed Correct Wrong. “No, I’m not playing tennis now”. The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation is filled with easy-to-understand rules,real-world examples, dozens of reproducible exercises, and pre- and post-tests. To talk about people in pictures and photos: In this photo, my mother is walking beside a lake. Look!, currently presently present simple always every never normally often Found inside – Page 53GRAMMAR m Present Continuous: positive and negative 8A I] p64 0 We use the Present ... question word auxiliary subject Verb+ing Where is Frank calling from? In fact, we use it daily and it has a number of different uses. The Present continuous of COME and GO is used to express future action. The presence of the following Key words indicates the Present continuous tense in that sentence. Some verbs though can be both dynamic and stative, depending on how we use them. You can do this grammar quiz online or print it on paper. "He" is the subject, "is" is the present tense of the verb to be and "swimming" is the present participle verb form. I find a game that I played in drama class works REALLY well. The action is not finished. Found inside – Page 392Finishing is a word in present continuous form which means to finish something in the present moment. Hence, the correct option is (D). Present continuous is used to talk about something that is happening at the time of speaking. Here are some examples: We can contract these negative present continuous sentences, like this: Now that we’ve seen how to make a present continuous sentence, let’s have a look at why we use it – its meaning. ID: 678068. Other phrases of time can occur, like: / They / at / aren’t / the. Age: 9-11. The main clause . The continuous form of the verbs. The present continuous or the present progressive tense is used to tell about whatever action is happening at the time of speaking. Present Continuous tense definition: The Present Continuous tense is a tense form that is mainly used to talk about actions that are in progress at the time of speaking. We can use the present continuous to talk about future arrangements. - today, tomorrow - at present, these days, nowadays - constantly, always. The present perfect continuous (also called present perfect progressive) is a verb tense which is used to show that an action started in the past and has continued up to the present moment. 14. The present perfect progressive (continuous) is actually easier to understand than the present perfect simple tense. The present continuous tense is the one most commonly used in the English language and often uses the action-verb form, for example 'running.' Tense and aspect. Any temporary action, and/or an incomplete action is expressed in the present continuous tense. The present continuous (present progressive) tense is a way to convey any action or condition that is happening right now, frequently, and may be ongoing.It adds energy and action to writing, and its effect helps readers understand when the action is happening. Share Your Results. Regular verbs, irregular verbs, two-word verbs... 'The Verb Well' covers them all! Each book in the series is a reproducible illustrated compendium of verbs, verb forms and verb use (150 verbs each book). his / he / car / stop. For instance, a few continuous tenses of to avoid include are avoiding , was avoiding and has or have been avoiding . This Book Covers The Following Topics: What are “Tenses”? Tenses and Signal Words present perfect continuous all day for four years since 1993 how long? Am. June 9, 2021. The present continuous tense is formed with the subject plus the present particle form (-ing) of the main verb and the present continuous tense of the verb to be: am, is, are. This present continuous exercise is to practise making 'yes / no' and 'wh' questions. She's studying chemistry. - flight OS462 15.40 11th, 12th, 13th - conference . Present Continuous is used to describe an action that’s happening at the moment, but it’s also sometimes used to talk about a future plan. They're going on holiday next week.. For negatives, use not. Here they go, some worksheets for practicing the PRESENT CONTINUOUS. The present participle is used with the verb to be to form the continuous tenses. She is speaking at the conference this evening. This is an activity designed to deductively teach adult learners how to use the simple present and the present continuous. Found insideEvery entry starts with a simple explanation and some basic examples. These are followed by real-life, engaging examples, which have been painstakingly hunted down for their ability to illustrate the point. Found inside – Page 5Make sentences Rhyming words Prepositions Narrationa . Present Continuous Answer the Tense questions b . Paragraph writing a . Pronunciation a . Exercise.Click on the words in the correct order to make information question ("Wh" questions) in the Present Continuous Tense. However, many books and curricula choose to introduce the present continuous immediately after the present simple.This order can sometimes be confusing, as students may have difficulties understanding the subtlety of something that happens as a routine (as expressed by . The form of the Present Continuous is: Positive: Am, is or are + verb + ing Negative: Am not, isn't or aren't + verb + ing Eg: " I am watching TV" Unscramble the words in the sentences below and put them in the correct order. The word “progressive” suggests something which is in progress or changing. I'm ___ my breakfast. The children _____ at the moment by the nanny. today. 50 Sentences of Present Continuous Tense. This tense is also used when the action is temporary. The present continuous with words like "always" or "constantly" will express the idea that something irritating or shocking often happens. Other contents: word order. The clause with the time word. But with these sentences we have the added meaning that something (Alex’s height, house prices) is changing. Present Continuous Tense. Here's a great PowerPoint resource to revise making sentences in Present Simple and Present Continuous tenses together on your interactive board. Another student comes up to him and says, “What are you doing?” The student replies with a LIE, something that they are not doing. Remember: We use the present simple with stative verbs. Examples of this use include: Present continuous tense can also be used to show that something will or will not happen in the near future. Matching_MTYyNzM= Present continuous 2. We will look at all the usages of the Present Continuous tense separately. Party! Some other forms of this verb tense are: The following are basic examples of the present continuous tense. Found inside – Page 96The present continuous tense is probably used to indicate that the states are temporary rather than permanent. This is sometimes made explicit: Our daughter ... e.g. Show sentences from the Introduction as examples. For the auxiliary verb “be” we use its present forms am, are and is: The present participle form of all verbs ends in “ing”, and to make it we normally simply need to add “ing” to the base form of the verb. Present Continuous Tense narrates an action which is being continued or going to be continued in the near future. When somebody is doing something right now or something is happening right now. In the following conditions we use the present continuous tense: As mentioned above, when an action that is occurring at the time of . They may or may not be actually playing tennis at this particular moment. An action happening right now at the moment of speaking. 11. They can give us clues about which tense to expect or to use. The verb tense in each sentence is underlined. Found inside – Page 357Finishing is a word in present continuous form which means to finish ... Finished is a word in past tense which means something has already come to an end. Present Continuous Quiz. Examples of this use include: Another use of this tense is when talking about a planned event in the future. 9: after / driving / am / home / work / I / . Vocabulary. Special questions (also known as wh-questions) are questions that require more information in their answers. by Clnpert. Her mother is forever misplacing her keys. The verb in the present continuous tense is made of two parts: Using the Present Continuous Tense. right now. Found inside – Page xxxixPreview the present continuous. Write the following words in random places on the board: sitting, writing, walking, counting, reading, standing, borrowing, ... outside / rain / it. never. It is also known as present progressive tense. Use am, is or are and ing.. I'm having a party for my birthday. Found inside – Page 336Is struck does not mean has been struck , as is eaten does not mean has been eaten : both express present continuous recipience of action . But sometimes – like in this case – we may also need information from the context (what we know about the situation) or from the words surrounding the example (called the cotext) in order to understand the more precise meaning. Found inside – Page 25word'. The plane landed at 12.35. (time) We use the present continuous tense to talk about Dinosaurs lived millions of years ago. (time words) something ... Ø Most time words work with more than one tense. Now, saying these two sentences in the present simple also works, but again if we do this we are left with just plain facts – we lose the information about how the speaker feels about the situation: Dynamic verbs describe an action or occurrence, and stative verbs describe a state of being. We are leaving for the beach tomorrow morning. Imagine Aunt Christine has surprised her nephew Scott for his birthday and is going to take him out to his favorite restaurant, Polly . Found inside – Page 336Is struck does not mean has been struck, as is eaten does not mean has been eaten: both express present continuous recipience of action. You will observe that the meaning is like a simple present, but with negative emotion. English Grammar Today Workbook provides extensive practice of the grammar points that often cause difficulty for learners of English at CEF levels B1-B2. Ideal for classroom use and self study, the book contains hundreads if varied ... Present continuous is used to talk about repeated actions around the time of speaking. Knowing grammatical structures is one thing, but being able to use them in a natural way can prove challenging. The key is to get the student to understand why.This is done by:- Presenting grammar concepts clearly. You will observe that the meaning is like a simple present, but with negative emotion. Show all questions <= => he / lunch / his / eat. 1. 10. We often use expressions of time with this tense. That event in the present can be. I half cover a card and ask students to try to guess what the person is doing…. - flight OS462 15.40 11th, 12th, 13th - conference . Now . Found insideWe might back this up by saying that performative verbs are not used in the present continuous tense (in the first person singular active): we do not say 'I ... Present continuous is used with words such as ALWAYS to talk about things that happen repeatedly (sometimes to say that something is irritating or annoying). Present continuous - word order 1. Some of these verbs are connected to mental states ( know, think, believe) others are about the senses ( see, smell, hear) and others with emotions ( love, like . Positive: Am, is or are + verb + ingNegative: Am not, isn’t or aren’t + verb + ingEg: " I am watching TV". Found inside – Page 18I drink some juice. Both of these sentences are in the present tense. There is also the present continuous tense. This is used. 18 Present Tense. 4th - day off 10th (Sun.) 24 May, 2017 by showandtext. When we are talking about how someone looks or feels, present continuous or. WORKSHEETS: Present Continuous. Follow the list for detailed expressions; The tenses simply show the time of an action. The conjugation of the verb to be is: am, is and are. (Write on the board: "Present continuous tense: be + ing.") The present continuous tense tells what is happening right now. seldom. are happening now. Emphasize the “now”, and then accept just a “No” as an answer. Today, most people are using text messages instead of the phone. With a lot of repetition and a little prompting, students will get comfortable with this, at which point you can start to introduce negatives and eventually questions. Let's analyze each one of them. At this moment - The school is going to get closed at this moment. It isn’t possible (or would at least be very strange) for Anna to know Jim or for me to like cake only at the time of speaking. Make sure to put the words "always" or "constantly" between "be" and "verb+ing." POSITIVE FORM (+) : Subject + BE ( am / is / are ) + Verb-ING NEGATIVE FORM (-) : Subject + BE ( am / is . Speaking activity – after I have explained the present continuous, I play a movie and I stop it every now and then and ask students what is happening. It tests what you learned on the Present Continuous page. Alex will, we imagine, stop growing at some point and house prices will probably fall at some point too. We aren't going to school today. Experiences or changes taken place over a period of time. There are some exceptions though: Here are some examples of present continuous sentences using am/are/is and the present participle: We can use a contraction of the auxiliary verb in order to sound more natural in spoken English: To make present continuous questions we can use subject-auxiliary inversion. Some common signal words with present continuous are time words like "now", "at the moment", "this week" and "for the time being" and the words . For example, I am eating a burger. Y11 Y12 English Holiday activities Present Continuous Steps Past Simple Present Simple. I use flashcards. These actions began before now and. 10: . The present continuous is used to talk about actions in progress. Here’s how it works with yes/no questions: And here are some examples of object and adverb questions, adding a question word to the beginning of the questions: For present continuous subject questions, the question word just replaces the subject, like this: With subject questions, we always use “is” for the auxiliary verb. We form the present continuous with the auxiliary verb “be” and the present participle form of the main verb. 14 negatives long form 15 short form don't doesn't 16 negative to be, am not, . “No” It uses am/is/are and "ing" is added with the verb. Let’s compare one of these sentences to the present simple: If the speaker chooses to say “I stay with a friend in London” he wants to give the impression that it’s fairly permanent – he doesn’t have any intention of finding a place of his own in the foreseeable future. 7. Found inside – Page 923 GRAMMAR FOCUS Future with present continuous and be going to 4 WORD POWER ... ( Note : Although the form of the present continuous was first introduced in ... Any temporary action, and/or an incomplete action is expressed in the present continuous tense. I'm visiting my friend tomorrow. An action that has taken place once or many times before. Present Continuous Questions 1. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. The form is the same for each subject. 4th - day off 10th (Sun.) *. 15. John and Anna are playing tennis this week because the swimming pool is closed. Are. Sometimes this repeated action causes us to be surprised or curious because of a change in the other person’s normal behaviour, and sometimes it makes us irritated. Check Hint Show Answer. Present continuous ( I am working ) - English Grammar Today - a reference to written and spoken English grammar and usage - Cambridge Dictionary In the Present Continuous these words are used in situations which happen at the time of speaking. the most common ones is described below. Found inside – Page 20N M we add Oa future L Page 6 of 38 Present continuous tense for the future ... talk We word. about only N before "Future the use A future—if we the words" ... These phrases are helpful for communicating the length of time an action has taken place, how long ago an action has happened, whether an action is temporary or repeated, and . A simple jumbled-words exercise is turned into an engaging quiz show for your lessons with a PowerPoint Activity. 6. Look! Present perfect continuous tense is for actions that began in the past and continue into the present without stopping. Here’s an example: Present progressive is another name for present continuous and so they are exactly the same. This is useful when discussing future research or the possible outcomes of a study. Found inside – Page xSimple Present: Simple Past: Simple Future: Future in the Past (Conditional): Present Continuous (Progressive): Past Continuous (Progressive): Present ... The present tense is the verb tense used to describe a current event or state of being, but, oddly, the present tense can also describe past and future events. We said earlier that the word “progressive” can suggest something which is changing, which brings us to the next reason to use present progressive. The Present Continuous. now. Signal words are words or phrases which often go hand in hand with a particular tense. typical signal words for present progressive. I'm ___ to a movie theater. I'm ___ TV. I am not going to the meeting after work. Questions. My brother is staying home tonight. / She / speak / looking / is / ? Present continuous 1. Frances is talking on the phone at the moment. If we compare these sentences to the present simple we can see the difference in meaning: Now we simply have two facts. The newsletter includes useful lessons, competitions and book reviews. There are 3 activities.1-match the jobs and occupations with the pictures 2-matchde defiiitions with the right job 3-complete with the ri. As a result, we don’t normally use stative verbs in the present continuous form. “No”, “What are you doing now?” These phrases are helpful for communicating the length of time an action has taken place, how long ago an action has happened, whether an action is temporary or repeated, and . - my birthday. You got: % Correct. Present Simple Here are the different uses of the present continuous: The speaker chooses to use present continuous in both these sentences to tell us that these actions are in progress at the time of speaking. Found inside – Page 13When it is used in this way , the -ing word is called the present participle . Present continuous Past continuous I am polishing I was polishing you are ... Just to remind you, these are the main reasons that we use the present continuous tense: Firstly, let's have a look at the structure we use to form it: And the frequency words we commonly use are: Once again there is not necessarily a clear distinction between this and the other meanings we’ve already seen. It’s called “What are you doing?” You start with one student who starts doing an action. To talk about what happens in books, plays and films: At the end of the book, the detective catches the killer. To form the present continuous, we use the am / is / are form of the verb "to be" plus the infinitive of the verb plus an -ing ending. “I play tennis once a week” So what’s the difference? Present Continuous is used to describe an action that's happening at the moment, but it's also sometimes used to talk about a future plan.. (Yes, that is what is happening right now) You are watching a video. Check Hint Show Answer. Keep this going around the class and they’ll soon begin to get the idea about the difference. Main content: Present simple and present continuous. Note: Present perfect is never used with words indicating past time - yesterday, last night, last week and so on. Present Simple → She always complain s. (This is neutral, just stated as a fact.) THE PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE. The present continuous tense is formed with the subject plus the present particle form (-ing) of the main verb and the present continuous tense of the verb to be: am, is, are. 1. Main content: Present continuous. Here are some examples of dynamic and stative verbs in present continuous: The two sentences with the dynamic verbs sound okay – it looks like using these verbs in the progressive form works. Begin to get the student to understand better this tense exercises that have helped millions of years ago the and... Concepts clearly am / home / work / I / her, 11 TV. 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