hands and feet feel swollen but aren't

When they do appear, you may feel itchy and have: In general, the answer hinges on what's making your hands and feet itch. But before you use holistic remedies, go to a healthcare provider and make sure they rule out problems of the heart, kidneys and liver. Credit: PhotoAlto/Antoine Arraou/Getty Images, Credit: Du Cane Medical Imaging/Getty Images, Credit: Shubhangi Ganeshrao Kene/Getty Images, 13 Reasons You Have Swollen Feet, According to Doctors. I am not allowed to take anything that will strengthen my immunity or my body will reject the lungs. And if you have heart failure, swelling in your feet is usually more pronounced than the swelling that happens after you've been standing on your feet all day. 2009; 2: 18 But if it comes on rapidly, especially in your hands and face, call the doctor. Found insideOf course they're precious right away, but sometimes their appearance can be ... us is clamp down our blood vessels in our hands and feet when we get cold. It helps the body get rid of excess water and salts by improving kidney function and taking more water from the blood. The location of the swelling can help you rule out heart failure: usually swelling in the feet points to right-sided heart failure. According to doctors from the Mayo Clinic, certain conditions can cause fluid to leak from capillaries which then builds up in the surrounding tissues.1. Swollen ankles, feet, and legs are often a complication of varicose veins. A lot of the chemically produced diuretic drugs lower potassium levels in the body, which is their negative side effect. They should also be willing to bring out to your car. Also soaking legs can make them swell even more. Found insideBut don't panic if your legs and feet are even more swollen a few days after delivery. It's normal to have edema for seven to ten days after you deliver. SWIM even though you might only be able to move your upper body, but it will take off weight and give you the upper body strength you will need to make recovery easier. I am going to be on drugs for life? When my legs swell now I put calamine and diaper rash highest content zinc oxide and wrap with stretchy tube fabric (physical therapists use) and put compression sock over it. Heard this can do it. The strategies that prevent your feet from swelling from other reasons can also help prevent blood clots. Foot swelling that hurts could be caused by a skin infection. I also find massage and dry brushing to be very helpful for reducing the swelling. Pictures and symptoms of the red, scaly rash. When one or both aren’t functioning properly, you might end up with swollen feet. Int J Nurs Pract. For harmless edema do the recommendation in the article. However, sometimes fluid can build up and cause swelling around the ankles, legs, and feet due to an underlying serious health condition like problems with your kidneys, heart, or blood circulation. Choline and eggs can help with congestion. “As the baby grows, it presses on the pelvic veins, and you get a little bit of compromised circulation,” says Jill Rabin, MD, co-chief, division of ambulatory care, Women's Health Programs-PCAP Services, Northwell Health, New Hyde Park, New York. If you live near VA. My mother had her disks operated on at UVA by Dr. During pregnancy, your body produces the hormone relaxin, which causes pelvic and foot joints and ligaments to relax and enlarge. Based on my own experience when I underwent operation and suffered from edema of my two legs & feet. In addition to the feet and ankles, your face and hands can also be puffy when eating a high-salt diet. The American Heart Association recommends that adults take in no more than 2,300 mg of sodium every day, or about a teaspoon of salt per day. My muscle enzymes have been elevated a couple time between 800 and almost 1200 and they thought I may have myasitis or even MD but I had a muscle biopsy done that ruled both of those out and although a nerve conduction study showed my nerves to be fine there was signs of muscle deterioation but that didn’t show in the biopsy. According to Dr. John Chuna on MedicineNet, the kidneys are responsible for removing salt from your body. my leg & foot swelled up so large last week for several days I didn’t know what was up so I called my endo & he said that the actos (type 2 ) medication is causing the swelling & to drink more water & use compression socks & if this doesn’t solve the problem to call him & he’ll take me off the actos but I’m afraid at that point he is going to put me on insulin–that’s not good cause I’m a professional driver & if your taking insulin as a driver the state won’t allow you to be issued a DOT license to drive & I’m 58 & there’s a terrible thing these days at least here in minnesota called age discrimination & employers discriminate against people for it all the time. i used to have these swollen ankles,legs & feet before, due to venous thrombosis,though i underwent vein stripping,i still have the swelling of my ankles legs & feet.i was prescribed with anti-inflammatory medicines but the remedy is just temporary,and i might be drug dependent.so,nowadays, i switched to natural herbs,i have these plant called “ashitaba”,everyday before breakfast i usually munch 5 leaves till it is so small to swallow with 1 glass of water.the pain is gone and the swelling as well.these plant is featured in YouTube where you could get more informations and other health benefits. Parsley is a known natural diuretic. If the swelling persists or you can’t take breaks from standing or sitting, give compression stockings a try. Sorry to write so much but I really need help. Shutterstock. Article Sources Found insideFrom where I sit at the kitchen barstool, I can see her feet are bright red and bleeding, bunions swollen and new blisters on her toes. Though her feet are ... Calcium channel blockers widen blood vessels by relaxing the muscles in vessel walls. “Their bellies have all this fat, and the fat compresses the circulation in the legs—and there’s back pressure downstream from that and their legs swell. In fact, the journal Dermatologic Surgery published a study showing the effectiveness of compression stockings if you have to sit for long periods of time. If you experience severe swelling in the ankles, you should see a doctor for a proper evaluation.7, Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a serious circulatory problem that may cause ankle swelling in just one leg. Lasix is for water retaining in your legs, Lymph fluid is not affected by this..so the swelling will never go down this way.There is special treatment needed for this…including wrapping the legs. The Drs had me on Lasix and such for years because of my swollen legs.I did all the elevation and no salt etc. A common cause of DVT is long-haul air travel. While anyone who sits for long periods can develop a blood clot, certain factors boost your risk, including obesity, smoking, being pregnant, having heart failure, kidney conditions, a previous clot, cancer, or taking certain medications, such as birth control pills. now dont know what to do. Infections can also happen after the skin is broken, leaving an opening for bacteria to enter, or even from shoes that don’t fit or ingrown toenails. By drinking water throughout the day, we hydrate our tissues and detox the body. 3 . The symptoms of anxiety can be hard to detect. I realize there is a circulation problem due to being wheelchair bound most of the day. Also, if one leg looks swollen, while the other one appears normal, see a doctor, as this unevenness could be a sign of deep vein thrombosis. "The swelling is caused by the presence of the clot," says Dr. Silverstein. I am diabetic too, and have been doing my own pedicures, and love too, I know my feet and just how deep to cut the toenails without cutting the quick and yes we must be cautious as well as the nail techs. She had bone on bone. When making your tea, use the fresh light-green leaves, along with roots and seeds (if you can get them). I understand that you cannot exercise to lose the weight required because of your lack of mobility. I really apologize I cannot be of any help. “You can feel a little puffier or swollen for sure,” says Dr. Marcussen. soaking will only hurt diabetics if they have open wounds. BUT, it can be the beginnings of Lymphedema, or some other vascular disease. .I’m shocked. If there are no open areas on your feet, soaking is ok. At Healthy and Natural World, our mission is to empower people to take control of their own health by providing comprehensive, practical and well researched information. Another complication of kidney disease is anemia, which can cause weakness and fatigue. Whatever the cause, don’t just put up with the itch. I have been on some tablets in the last 3years hoping that the problem would come to an end long before now, but alas, i am still on the tablets up till date. When the heart can’t pump enough blood around your body, fluid can build up in your legs, lungs, and abdomen. I do sit in a recliner or lay in bed but try to get up and walk a little as often as I can. Edema. Read what Dr Ken Berry says about pink salt vs table salt, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3f8VAK-K1A0, Hope you have found some help by now. 20 Things You Should Throw Away for Better Health. Apple cider vinegar 1 tsp in 6-8 oz water acts like a diuretic. I am diabetic and 72yrs old……….I also have pain 24/7 throughout my body when I was put on a cholesteral med…..I got hooked up with a great supplement shop and they started me on CoQ10, Red Rice yeast, and Chelated Magnesium. Even if you think that leg swelling doesn’t have a serious underlying cause, it is still best to have a doctor check out any kind of swelling that causes you concern. It is now being revived as a powerful herbal remedy. 9 you need to put in a caution for dieabetics as they should NOT soak their feet for prolonged periods of time for fear of infection. Compression stockings can help too, as can exercise, putting cold compresses on your feet, and sleeping on your side. Does salt intake affect edema? Please read my article about magnesium deficiency in which you will find information about how to identify a magnesium deficiency and how to stay magnesium sufficient. I am barely able to walk due to the pain in my hips, leg bones and upper thighs. Found insideI wiped my hands on my gown, the feel of death too fresh on them. ... and rose-colored cloak told him I was nobility, but my swollen chin gave him pause. Regular physical exercise is a great way to stimulate your blood circulation and stop fluid retention in your legs and ankles. In the meantime, try compression stockings and moving around as much as possible. Simple measures like moisturizing foot skin regularly so it remains supple and not easily broken can help prevent infections. Compression stockings help to get rid of the symptoms of fluid retention in the legs by forcing the blood and excess fluid back up the body. At the end of the article you will find a recipe for parsley tea to reduce swollen ankles and feet. I also swing my legs regularly sitting on edge of bed. Parsley is also a powerful antioxidant and I’ve already mentioned it my article about the 9 amazing antioxidants for great health. Read my comment above about what may help. You would think that treatment for kidney disease would help the problem, but not so with dialysis, which is often required for advanced cases of kidney failure. Massage therapy is a great way to naturally stimulate circulation and help reduce the signs and symptoms of edema. noticed, in mornings my face & hands are swollen,feet not so much. The heart drugs known as direct vasodilators can also cause it. MayoClinic. Go to youtube and look for videos about manual lymph drainage in feet and try to lightly massage out. ". Found insideAs he continued massaging, his hands periodically disappearing beneath her ... Even with feet and ankles swollen, it was obvious that her toes were small ... I have heart failure (40’s age group) and have swelling in several areas. If possible any comfort I can bring with the help of natural remedies is what I’m hoping to do any suggestions that you found helpfull please and thanks if u reply. Try 200mg of coq10 as suggested by Dr Ken Berry. “The body’s response [to an acute injury] is inflammation,” explains Tower. Custom inserts ($280), not paid by insurance and only lasted for 10months. But if your lymph nodes have been damaged or removed, say during surgery for cancer, the fluid won’t drain properly—and that causes swelling. All rights reserved. When I watch my carbs and keep them very low, my leg swelling goes down substantially. Eight to ten glasses a day should be the norm. Having too much salt in your diet can cause edema because it makes it harder for your body to get rid of excess fluid. Doc told me d veins were narrow and thus the constant swellings.im now using aloe vera but there is that unexplainable pain. Hi Donna, I’m not a doctor and cannot give specific advice, but you can find more information that might be relevant for you in my article about 16 Warning Signs of Poor Blood Circulation, as well as possible causes for it. An allergic reaction may need antihistamines or corticosteroids, whether over-the-counter or prescribed by your doctor. in 30 min of getting up swelling moves to legs/feet.i’m starting to worry!!! 6. put on lasix 2 times, once helped for 3 days. Examples are Loniten (minoxidil) and Apresoline (hydralazine). I got connected by a friend who knew i had edema problem,and having read about swollen legs issue, i got some new tips which i am putting into practice already. It also causes: Itchiness, especially at night, of … All rights reserved. "[Gout is] a type of painful inflammatory arthritis caused by too much uric acid in the blood," Neville explains. Gravity helps this along too, says Dyane Tower, DPM, director of clinical affairs at the American Podiatric Medical Association. Sounds promising. Remember, when you do any exercise, because your body is not used to it, toxins would’ve built up in your tissues, and cause pain. Other signs of cirrhosis include swelling in your abdomen, feeling tired, bleeding and bruising easily, nausea, and having yellow-tinted skin and eyes. He/She will be able to refer you to a specialist (if needed) based on your other symptoms, medical history and other tests if required. MayoClinic. Go easy on all of these, and instead focus on sodium-free items such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and whole grains while avoiding processed foods. both feet hurt/itch.due to back injury hard to move around. You're having trouble sleeping. Treatment of edema. Also wrap with ace bandage. I m having swelling in my feet n ankles since from two weeks..previous to this I was having boils in my legs from 2 days having lot of inflammation.so I took prescribed medicine and tube from Dr.so later in two days I recovered from boils n inflammation.. #1 for the heart. 12 Anxiety Symptoms That Might Point to a Disorder. But pay close attention to your hands and face. Found insideI felt my legs crumble and slid down the wall to the floor, ... I clenched my hands into small fists and tried to pummel his head, but it was like a small ... 5 days in that wrap and the skin healed. Found inside – Page 125My hands are swollen and stiff and my arms feel like lead. ... I get a small clatter on the first pass but it is soon obvious that the fishing is not going ... It might enlighten you. Found inside – Page 38If , however , the swelling persists through the night and especially if your hands and face also swell , but be sure to notify your doctor . It can be caused by a problem with the circulatory system, the lymphatic system, the kidneys and more. The study was done on rats (humans and rats have the same basic physiology). Wonder if you have tried a incline bench like a teeter inversion table or a cheaper walmart version without cushioning which may prevent separation. 2004 May;30(5):737-43; discussion 743. With a swollen arm you should find a lymphedema specialist. We're loving their inspirational, body-positive messages. One of the conditions parsley can help with is leg edema or swollen legs. The sodium in salt is the biggest dietary culprit when it comes to retaining water in general. Thank you! Lymphedema commonly causes swollen fingers, hands, toes, and feet. Swelling is a normal reaction of the body to an injury. This fluid usually builds up around your ankles and feet causing swelling and puffiness. Is Your Doctor Gaslighting You? all my pa wants to do is keep me pills. 6 egg whites daily 2 each every meal would be a big help. Dr. Suzanne R. Steinbaum on WebMD says that some of the reasons for swollen ankles that requires medical supervision are: 9. However, you have nothing to lose by giving the oils a try. Found inside – Page 46But it had only just begun . ... First comes exhaustion : your hands and feet feel heavy , every word swells to a painful roaring in your ears . Clusters of lymph nodes throughout your body control the travel of this fluid. The condition tends to spread in very crowded areas, where people have a lot of skin-to-skin contact that happens over a long time. advise the best remedy or herb that can stop swelling. There are many effective home remedies to reduce swelling in your ankles, legs, and feet. Also uva has a gait clinic, so maybe a teaching hospital near you has one or just call uva and ask for a referral on your area. Your sodium-controlled diet. There are several different types that can show up anywhere on the body. Angiology. There are a few different types, and itchiness of the palms and soles is a common symptom. Find someone who can do ARL hair analysis. I have swollen feet and ankles, have tried horse chestnut for weeks with no success. Found insideI couldn't see it, but I could feel it splitting open down my stomach and all ... He'd taken his scarf off, and I could see the swollen mound of spikes on ... By itself, a little puffiness in your face isn’t abnormal. For weight-related swelling, see your doctor to rule out other causes, then consider making changes to your eating and exercise habits so some of the extra weight comes off. Though a clot that’s caused foot swelling doesn’t always have other symptoms, typically you’ll feel pain in your leg as well. Sitting down and rubbing painful foot from neuroma, Legs of Overweight Woman Checking Her Weight on Bathroom Scales --- Image by © beyond/Corbis, Pain on the top of the feet from tendonitis, lymphedema woman health condition survivor warrior leg wellbeing lymphatic, Red stethoscope forming the shape of a heart. Feet often puff up a half-size or so because you’re not treating them with the TLC they deserve—say by standing all day or shoving them into too-tight pumps. The journal Seminars in Interventional Radiology says that varicose veins often cause ankle edema which may get worse as the day goes on. WebMD. Always do this under the care of your doctor, as people with liver failure need to get rid of the excess water slowly. "Tophi—which are uric acid crystal deposits that look like lumps under the skin—commonly develop [in the feet… The problem is that I am not a doctor and you have multiple health issues. Other drugs can cause your feet to swell without any obvious explanation. Same thing with pedicures, if you have an open area on your foot it increases risk of infection or if someone cuts your toenails and clips some skin, this increases chance of infection. While waiting to get older and have the technology improve, I swam every weekday for nine years. Acclaimed author Karen Hesse's Newbery Medal-winning novel-in-verse explores the life of fourteen-year-old Billie Jo growing up in the dust bowls of Oklahoma. this link is to an external site that may or may not meet accessibility guidelines. Your kidneys are responsible for balancing fluids in your body and moving fluid you don’t need out of your system. Blessings. The swelling or lymphedema, could also be a post byproduct of cancer treatments or surgery as is the case with my swelling. now it doesn’t grab any more. Work up to it gradually. Simple risk-free reduction of pitting edema in congestive heart failure patients. What is peripheral artery disease? It can also make you itchy on your arms, legs, and buttocks. At one point my BP was 210/105 in the hospital so I have major problems. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) can make swelling worse in people who already have heart or liver failure because they cause the body to hold on to sodium. Clean out expired products and clutter to make way for a healthier you. Lymphedema is a condition that occurs when something goes wrong with your lymphatic system, which is part of your immune system. Hi Elvis……Have you googled these drugs..I did for all the ones I’m on..And I was put on Furosimide for my swelling and it made my legs and feet blow up like tight balloons…They say every body is different…I stopped the furosimide and find my swelling get much worse with eating anything in a can or a box…….So it’s lots of fruit and veggies for me. If you have psoriasis, you may also have: Eczema is a term for a group of conditions that inflame the skin. The only one I disagree with is salt intake. “People who have heart failure or kidney problems are often put on diuretics,” says Dr. Marcussen, of medications that increase the amount of water and salt you excrete in your urine. Maybe they have seen patients with your condition and can help you. According to the American Pregnancy Association, swelling around the ankles, feet, and hands is Found insideBut oh, how wonderful it'd feel to let go of life, to not have to face the ... “Tuck yer hands into them armpits,” the Good Samaritan commanded as he placed ... I’m just finishing up my BSN. Generally, swelling in the feet happens when the pelvic lymph nodes, which control lymph movement in your legs and feet, are injured or removed. This has been going on for two years and only getting worse. Have you tried a vein doctor who does corrections for varicose vein dilation? I ment the above advice for Momo but i guess it can ony help to stop drinking diet soda and eating fast food look at salt amounts in the food you buy. If one goes to a nail salon then ask them to clean there bowls and instruments in your presence. ... thereby to help reduce swelling and I feel works great for cold hands and feet. Counter people, doctors, nurses, and others who work on their feet often end the day feeling like their shoes are too tight. . Please remember, that if you have any chronic leg swelling or you have swelling in only one leg that is accompanied with pain, you should see your doctor for proper medical advice. 2015; 2015: 648074. Found inside – Page 38Your shoes may feel tight and your feet and ankles puffy in the last two months of ... if your hands and face also swell, but be sure to notify your doctor. Parsley is rich in potassium. I am 56years old now. This means blood backs up in the veins, leading to fluid buildup. © 2005 - 2021 WebMD LLC. Here are 11 common causes of redness. If your kidneys aren’t working properly, then more salt will be retained in the body and this will cause edema. If these symptoms strike without explanation, notify your doctor ASAP, or head for the emergency room. This swelling (called edema) can be caused by something as simple as being on your feet or sitting down for too long. Nothing is helping me. and therefore get worse quickly. The BMI is important to all surgeons. Blessings. The classic symptom of varicose veins is knotted bluish veins on your legs or spider veins. Lymphatic fluid carries infection-fighting white blood cells to different parts of the body. Those drugs are available only by prescription, but over-the-counter meds are to blame for swelling too. Reduced blood flow triggers swollen feet, making shoes feel tight and uncomfortable. i’ve never had heart issues so, I don’t know what’s causing it. While annoying, this kind of end-of-the-day swelling is usually not indicative of a larger problem and should go away once you’ve walked around or uncrossed your legs. Having swollen hands is often both annoying and uncomfortable. You can use honey and lemon to enhance the tea’s flavor (you can also use honey and lemon to transform your health). Jeanne, DRibose is a supplement that helps exercise tolerance and has helped me improve activity and quality of life. ***Lymphedema affects approximately 140 million people worldwide.***. One easy way to keep your legs raised for an extended period of time to reduce leg edema is to sleep on your back with a pillow under your ankles. Treatment usually involves medications, lifestyle changes, and even a liver transplant. She has less pain now a year later, but also less after she healed from the surgery. © Copyright 2021 Meredith Corporation. It typically begins in the second trimester. To relieve the bloat, amp your water intake, cut down on salty foods, and don’t skip your workouts, which can help with circulation. MedicineNet. gone to other drs, they do same. Found inside – Page 24But when Reiki touches my head with an icy palm, the visual shifts, ... In the lucid leftovers of my consciousness, I feel her hands move to my throat and ... For many women, swollen feet are an inevitable part of pregnancy. Int Arch Med. My legs are getting bigger and bigger. Another Cuckold Story (4.02): Husband enjoys sharing his wife with other men. “Basically they help the kidneys dump fluid.”, RELATED: 7 Signs You Could Have Kidney Stones–and When to See a Doctor. but I am playing it safe and ruling out the important stuff. Just go to a natural doctor who knows subclinical hypothyroidism. Skin conditions like psoriasis or eczema often require a more detailed treatment plan. They take a beating every day, supporting your body weight and letting you walk, run, jump, stand, and tip-toe. Pills to control blood sugar in people who have diabetes—like Avandia (rosiglitazone) or Actos (pioglitazone)—make it harder to get sodium out of the body, which leads to swelling. In this award-winning book, The Vitamin Solution, Drs. Romy Block and Arielle Levitan provide a common-sense, medically sound approach to using vitamins to improve your diet, exercise plan, and overall health. You have chest pain and difficulty breathing, You have shortness of breath when laying down or engaging in physical activity, The swelling occurs suddenly for no apparent reason. It is important to tell the difference between swollen ankles caused by “everyday” activities, and edema that requires treatment by a doctor. . “There are no hard and fast guidelines, but if you’re on your feet all day long, it’s reasonable to sit five minutes every hour, or put your legs up,” says Jason Johanning, MD, professor of vascular surgery, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha. Scott Neville, DPM, a podiatrist in Mooresville, Indiana, says that for some people, pain and swelling in the foot can be a sign of gout. Having said that, I have high blood pressure, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, and am on 5 ltrs of oxygen 24/7. Not long ago, parsley tea was frequently used to treat different maladies. Liver might be congested. So make sure you carry that water bottle with you. You usually can’t get scabies from quick touching, like a handshake or a hug. Hi Elvis, unfortunately I don’t have the knowledge about these medicines. Heart failure doesn’t mean your heart stops working, just that your heart can’t pump enough blood. I don’t sleep most nights due to the pain. I learned this from experience. swelling in only one leg that is accompanied with pain, Epsom salts is a great way to relax and relieve aching muscles, the benefits of Epsom salts for your feet, 14 foods and nutrients that protect against cancer development, How to Improve Blood Circulation Naturally, 14 Warning Signs That You Have Poor Blood Circulation, 7 Unbelievable Benefits of Foot Massage And How to Do it, Epsom Salt Bath and Foot Soak – Benefits and Recipes, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pyCH6IHRX9Q, 16 Warning Signs of Poor Blood Circulation, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3f8VAK-K1A0. Found inside – Page 62Besides , he's going back to California in a few days , but he's leaving his ... at the end of the day , her feet and hands ached and were a little puffy . I have this edema on my left leg, and just started. ?if swollen persistence in only one leg! Apart from the suggestions mentioned in the article, you can try parsley tea to reduce edema – see more information HERE. Preeclampsia. RELATED: 10 Exercises that Could Land You in Rehab, According to PTs, You know how bloated you can feel the week before your period? Here are some common reasons for ankle, leg, and feet swelling. Found insideThe owner's son is sent down to the basement for more but there are still people who ... My hands and feet feel swollen, like my pulse is inflating them. I’ve never bought another pair bc my feet felt better. Which shouldn’t be too much of a problem. My doctor at the wound center told me it’s not recommended. Found inside"Written during the last years of the Weimar Republic, the two novels collected here address the urgent problems of that age. Evidently you have an open wound on your foot, in that case you would not want to soak your feet. How does foot swelling play into this? Even on dialysis, though, your body can’t get rid of enough fluid. Shannen Doherty Reveals Stage 4 Breast Cancer Diagnosis—Here's What It Means. While you recover, sitting on an icepack several times a day for 10 minutes will help relieve the pain. I’m not sure when you had the injury, but if it’s recent and happened in the last 48 hours, you can apply ice pack (see more in my article about When to Use Cold or Heat Therapy). National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases: “Questions and Answers About Psoriasis.”, American Academy of Dermatology: “Psoriasis,” “Psoriasis: Signs and symptoms,” “Types of Eczema.”, National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases: “Handout on Health: Atopic Dermatitis.”, American Academy of Dermatology: “Scabies.”, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: “Scabies - General Information - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).”, American Diabetes Association: “Skin Complications.”, American Academy of Dermatology: “Contact Dermatitis: Signs and Symptoms.”, American Family Physician: “What Can I Do for Dry, Itchy Skin?”.

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