agent orange compensation | By Jim Absher. This book will be of interest and importance to policy makers, veterans affairs groups, the armed forces, health care organizations, and veterans themselves. Serious diseases can result from this dangerous herbicide, so claims are virtually guaranteed approval. As a Veteran with this service who also has a disease related to Agent Orange exposure you may be eligible for disability compensation. 38 U.S.C.A. The College Tuition Fee Waiver for the Dependents of Veterans — sometimes called the CalVet Fee Waiver — is a state benefit that provides a tuition-free education at the CSU and the other state public post-secondary colleges and universities. 2002); 38 C.F.R. Agent Orange Linked to Many Diseases. A practical guide for the veteran outlining how to obtain all of the benefits to which he or she is entitled. Thanks to Agent Orange's liberal use in the field from 1962-1971, all Vietnam vets can file VA disability claims. Agent Orange VA presumes that if you served in Vietnam or in or near the Korean demilitarized zones, during certain time periods, you were exposed to Agent Orange. 10 things every Veteran should know about Agent Orange. Instead, VA will presume that your type 2 diabetes was caused by your in-service exposure to herbicide agents. However, he was given a 0% benefit rating. In such circumstances, Congress and the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) have relied on presumptions. If you served during the Agent Orange era in Vietnam or the Korean DMZ and developed an illness that is not listed among the presumptive diseases, you may still be able to prove Agent Orange compensation eligibility. Agent Orange is an herbicide agent that was used by the United States during the Vietnam War. Under the Nehmer rule, the effective date for an Agent Orange claim is whichever is the later: For a claim filed between September 25, 1985, and May 3, 1989: Chloracne. §§ 3.102, 3.303 (2002). Benefits Overview for Agent Orange Exposure. How do they test for Agent Orange? Veterans who served in a unit that operated in the Korean Demilitarized Zone between April 1, 1968 and August 31, 1971; Vietnam-era Veterans whose service involved duty on or near the perimeters of certain military bases in Thailand between February 28, 1961 and May 7, 1975. If you are in crisis or having thoughts of suicide, Of the 105,000 claims received by the Payment Program, approximately 52,000 Vietnam Veterans or their survivors received cash payments which averaged about $3,800 each. Spina bifida is a spinal cord birth defect. As a result, Bladder Cancer, Hypothyroidism and Parkinsonism will now be officially added to the Agent Orange presumptive list. §§ 1110, 1131 (West Supp. (c) Effective date of disability compensation. For more information, see our article on how to apply for VA benefits. To properly file a claim and provide the correct medical evidence to prove heart disease, it's often helpful to hire an experienced and skilled VA disability benefits attorney to help you with your VA application . The Agent Orange Settlement Fund was created by a long crusade of litigation involving the Agent Orange Product Liability class action lawsuit brought by Vietnam Veterans. This volume will be critically important to both policymakers and physicians in the federal government, Vietnam veterans and their families, veterans organizations, researchers, and health professionals. The U.S. government stopped the spraying of all herbicides in October 1971, but the South Vietnamese military continued spraying various chemicals until 1972. However, you have to prove that you were exposed to Agent Orange and demonstrate a proven association between your illness and . Benefits include compensation and health care benefits. In order to qualify for benefits, the following conditions must become noticeable to a degree of 10 percent or more within one year of the last date of exposure to Agent Orange: Chloracne. Agent Orange contained the highly toxic dioxin, a dangerous chemical that can have significant health impacts on those exposed to it. Who qualifies for Agent Orange benefits? (And historically, Agent Orange-affected veterans are more likely to get paid faster, too!) There is currently no definitive evidence that a father’s exposure to Agent Orange exposure causes birth defects. Permanent and Total Disability means your service-connected condition is 100 percent disabling with no chance of improving. To find an accredited VSO near you, go to Get Help Filing Your Claim Or Appeal | Veterans Affairs ( These veterans are referred to as "blue water veterans." It is often very difficult to produce evidence that an illness is linked to Agent Orange exposure. It is often very difficult to produce evidence that an illness is linked to Agent . peripheral neuropathy (acute or subacute), which must have appeared within twelve months after exposure to Agent Orange and be cured within two years after the first appearance of symptoms, chloracne, which must have appeared within one year after exposure to Agent Orange, and. 2 As recently as 2015, the government added an extra compensation provision to the Act. However, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) offers a free health exam to qualifying veterans. In these cases, the effective date is typically the date the VA recognized the . 2201 and S.1381, as both would automatically concede Agent Orange exposure for all veterans who served at military installations in Thailand during the Vietnam Era, regardless of the base, duty on the perimeter or military occupational specialty. If you are a Vietnam veteran exposed to Agent Orange or other chemicals, the 2021 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) might help you out! The rule is that the effective date is the latter of the date the VA received the initial claim for an Agent Orange-related disease ("initial claim" means the first claim filed after or pending on September 25, 1985) or the date the Agent Orange-related disease was first diagnosed. § 4.115b. VA ratings go from 0% (no disability present) to 100% (full disability). Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans and Agent Orange Exposure comprehensively examines whether Vietnam veterans in the Blue Water Navy experienced exposures to herbicides and their contaminants by reviewing historical reports, relevant ... As a result, for many years veterans with Agent Orange-related diseases were denied disability compensation by the VA. Spina bifida is a spinal cord birth defect. 800-829-4833, Veterans Crisis Line: (And historically, Agent Orange-affected veterans are more likely to get paid faster, too!) If VA rates you as permanently and totally disabled, your disability rating should not be reduced. Presumptive service connection is a much easier way to qualify for compensation than having to prove a direct service connection. Diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, and several forms of cancer are among the diseases caused by Agent Orange. Veterans who were exposed to Agent Orange in Vietnam while on active duty are eligible for disability compensation through the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) as long as they were discharged under conditions other than dishonorable. Underst... Service-Connected Disability Compensation for Veterans, Specific Injuries and Illnesses That Qualify for Service-Connected Disability, Agent Orange Fast Track Processing System, Benefits Overview for Agent Orange Illnesses, military service in Vietnam during the period of January 9, 1962 to May 7, 1975, one of the diseases, or residuals of one of the diseases, that the VA recognizes as linked to Agent Orange exposure (see below), the recognized disease is rated at least 10% or higher, and. … If necessary, medical tests such as X-rays, MRIs, or blood tests. This book provides an overview of how Congress and the judiciary have addressed the concerns of Vietnam-era veterans and briefly describes some of the current issues raised by Vietnam-era veterans. Vietnam Veterans may be eligible for disability compensation benefits because of exposure to Agent Orange. Agent Orange was a herbicide mixture used by the U.S. military during the Vietnam War. For questions regarding VA benefits, call the VA toll-free number at 1-800-827-1000. You can also call the Agent Orange Help Line at 1-800-749-8387 or send an e-mail to GW/ Basic Rates - 10%-100% Combined Degree Only Effective 12/1/19 Veterans exposed to Agent Orange while in the service and later develop ischemic heart disease are presemptively service connected. Agent Orange was a chemical herbicide used by the United States in Vietnam and surrounding areas during the Vietnam War. The United State Department for Veterans Affairs (VA) has been charged with overseeing and enforcing the prostate cancer compensation for United State military veterans who served in Vietnam during the war from 1962 to 1975.It is a rather wide range, but it is necessary if all the men who could have been exposed to Agent Orange are to be attended to, because it has now been established that . Agent Orange, mixture of herbicides that U.S. military forces sprayed in Vietnam from 1962 to 1971 during the Vietnam War for the dual purpose of defoliating forest areas that might conceal Viet Cong and North Vietnamese forces and destroying crops that might feed the enemy. To qualify for Agent Orange presumptive service connection, a veteran must show: military service in Vietnam during the period of January 9, 1962 to May 7, 1975. current diagnosis of one of the diseases, or residuals of one of the diseases, that the VA recognizes as linked to Agent Orange exposure. As of December 1st, 2020 the VA disability rate benefit amounts are as follows: 0 percent disability rating: $0.00 per month. Agent Orange is an herbicide, not a disease or condition. The vanishing vietnam veteran from agent orange contamination Specifically, Agent Orange is a 50/50 mixture of two kinds of herbicide agents: 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T. Veterans Compensation Benefits Rate Tables - Effective 12/1/19 . The Agent Orange Act of 1991 comes with a presumption of service connection for all veterans who were exposed to Agent Orange and suffered from the medical conditions listed above. On August 10, 2012, the Department of Veterans Affairs posted a Federal Register Notice which included a proposed rule that would relax the Veterans who were exposed to Agent Orange in Vietnam while on active duty are eligible for disability compensation through the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) as long as they were discharged under conditions other than dishonorable. … The chemical dioxin in Agent Orange can remain toxic in the soil for decades. You can use the Agent Orange Fast Track Processing System if you are applying for disability compensation for the first time for any of the following conditions: If you applying for compensation for Agent Orange illnesses not listed above, or if have submitted a previous application for benefits due to the above conditions, then you will need to apply through your local VA office or online. Medications used to treat post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, and other mental disorders can lead to an overactive thyroid. Amounts Paid For Disability Compensation. Since the 1970s, Vietnam-era vets have attributed certain medical illnesses, disabilities, and birth defects to exposure to Agent Orange (AO) and other herbicides sprayed by the U.S. Air Force to destroy enemy crops and remove forest cover. (2) Covered herbicide disease means a disease for which the Secretary of Veterans Affairs has established a presumption of service connection pursuant to the Agent Orange Act of 1991, Public Law 102-4, other than chloracne, as provided in § 3.309(e). This article highlights the eligibility criteria and important information for filing a claim for benefits. An estimated 2.4 million U.S. service members were exposed to some level of Agent Orange in Vietnam between 1962 and 1971. These benefits vary from $117 to $2,527 per month as of 2008 contingent upon the level of disability. Recently I talked with the VA's Agent Orange coordinator at the VA Medical Center here in Tucson. Agent Orange was a chemical defoliant used throughout Vietnam and other areas during the Vietnam War by the United States to clear vegetation for military operations. 19 Jul 2021. If you are a Vietnam veteran exposed to Agent Orange or other chemicals, the 2021 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) might help you out! Specifically, we looked at information about where Agent Orange had been tested, distributed, or stored in U.S. states and territories. Taking money out of a retirement plan? Veterans who served in waters offshore Vietnam without ever visiting the inland waterways or stepping foot on land have great difficulty obtaining a presumptive service connection for Agent Orange. Agent Orange also contained the contaminant TCDD as a byproduct of its production, which is the most toxic of all dioxins. Dependents and survivors of veterans who died as a result of a disease related to Agent Orange exposure may also be eligible for compensation. A discussion of your service history, including any suspected contact with Agent Orange or other herbicides. In addition to monthly tax-free disability compensation benefits, biological children of a Veteran who served in Vietnam, Thailand, or the Korean DMZ during these qualifying time periods are also eligible for certain VA-covered healthcare benefits, and for “vocational rehabilitation” paid for by the VA, providing …. Bladder Cancer and Agent Orange Exposure - The Connection. old and is retired. Aircrews, maintenance staff, and medical evacuation teams can now receive compensation for their exposure to Agent Orange. | By Jim Absher. The VA offers health care and disability benefits for veterans who may have been exposed to Agent Orange and other herbicides during military service . Although the rules governing VA disability benefits and the VA disability ratings process often seem unfairly stacked against you, the purpose of this book is to educate you on what is needed and how to properly prepare the NEXUS letter of ... Their dependents and survivors also may be eligible for benefits. Vietnam War veterans suffering from bladder . The negative side effects of the herbicide are widely known, but researchers are still learning more about how the . That way, if your disease later gets recognized, you will have preserved an early effective date for benefits and will get a larger lump sum payment. 2127, the TEAM Act Millions of veterans have been exposed to toxic substances during their military service. Compensation benefits. New diseases are added periodically to this least based on research from the Institute of Medicine. If you are not eligible for presumptive service connection under the above requirements, you can still apply for disability benefits based on direct service connection. If the VA denied a claim many years ago, it may be able to be re-opened. VA has recognized certain cancers and other health problems as presumptive diseases associated with exposure to Agent Orange or other herbicides during military service. Currently, 14 diseases are on the presumptive list for Agent Orange, including Acute and Sub-acute peripheral neuropathy. Additionally, the parents of a veteran may be eligible for income support. Attention A T users. Surviving spouses, dependent children and dependent parents of Veterans who were exposed to Agent Orange and died as the result of diseases related to Agent Orange exposure may be eligible for a monthly payment called Dependency and Indemnity Compensation. 877-222-8387, TDD (Hearing Impaired) This allows you to submit claims that are decision-ready so you can get your claim processed as fast as possible. Special rules apply to some Vietnam veterans with claims for disability compensation for Agent Orange-related illnesses. 2021 VA Disability Compensation Rate Increase - 1.3%. This is in recognition of the fact that some diseases arose many years before the VA began granting service connection for those illnesses. This is where the last great battles of nations are fought. Futile battles. Stupid skirmishes. This is the meeting place for a hopeless and perverse truce between good and evil. Eligible for Benefits Only if Disease Arises in a Certain Time Frame. Unlike other disabilities, the VA does not have a specific disability rating schedule for erectile dysfunction. Compensation is based on the condition, its severity (defined according to standard VA tables and physicians' guides), and your familial status. 31:42. . Veterans exposed to Agent Orange in Vietnam have put up a long hard fight trying to get the VA disability benefits they deserve. If you have certain diseases, the VA "presumes" both Agent Orange exposure and that this exposure caused the disease, as long as there isn't medical evidence that something else caused your illness. Many medical conditions are associated with Agent Orange exposure. If you’re the surviving spouse, child, or parent of a service member who died in the line of duty, or the survivor of a Veteran who died from a service-related injury or illness, you may be able to get a tax-free monetary benefit called VA Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (VA DIC). However, the chemical exfoliant has led to a variety of health conditions to exposed individuals. (NHL), due to exposure to Agent Orange-type herbicides while serving in Vietnam, is SC. Veterans who were exposed to Agent Orange or other herbicides may be eligible to receive disability compensation for diseases associated with exposure. Porphyria cutanea tarda. The attorney listings on this site are paid attorney advertising. 3 Veterans who served on or near Thailand military bases between February 28, 1961 and May 7, 1975 and can prove they were near the perimeter of the base where Agent Orange was used. Much of it contained a dangerous chemical contaminant called dioxin. SERVICE-CONNECTED DISABIlITy COMPENSATION FOR ExPOSuRE TO AgENT ORANgE 2 introduCtion the purpose of this Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA) guide is simple: to present information and describe the process in a user-friendly fashion for a Vietnam veteran or (surviving) family member However, an analysis of Agent Orange registry data from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) suggests a link between males’ exposure to Agent Orange and having children with certain birth defects. A baby develops spina bifida while still in the womb. As of March 2021, hypertension and MGUS are the only illnesses linked to Agent Orange exposure by the National Academies that have not been added to VA’s list of conditions presumed to be caused by such exposure. If your service-connected condition is disabling, you may be entitled to VA disability compensation. Most of us know about the "automatic" 100% service-connected Agent Orange disability compensation for vets who have a dozen or so assorted medical conditions (such as ALS and prostate cancer). [viii] The production of Agent Orange was halted in the 1970s. In addition, these diseases must be rated 10% or more disabling during the required time frame. … According to VA’s website, the following list of birth defects are presumed to be connected to service: “Achondroplasia. Found insideVeterans and Agent Orange: Update 11 (2018) examines peer-reviewed scientific reports concerning associations between various health outcomes and exposure to TCDD and other chemicals in the herbicides used in Vietnam that were published ... This year, active-duty military will receive a 3% pay raise, while veterans receiving disability compensation will see an increase in their monthly payments. visit for more resources. Non-Hodgkin s Lymphoma (see list of associated terms below) Acute and Subacute Peripheral Neuropathy. How do I get compensation from Agent Orange? The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) announced its plans on May 27, 2021, to automatically review disability claims benefits for veterans living with Parkinsonism, bladder cancer, and hypothyroidism—three presumptive conditions related to their exposure to Agent Orange. You can receive additional money if you have a spouse, children, or dependent parents. For other benefits available to veterans exposed to Agent Orange, and their families, visit the VA webpage Benefits Overview for Agent Orange Illnesses. You may qualify if: You served on active duty in the military, in the Republic of Vietnam, for at least one day between January 9, 1962 and May 7, 1975. However, many special rules apply. If you or a loved one served during the Vietnam War, you are likely familiar with Agent Orange. Coronary Artery Disease, also known as Arteriosclerotic Heart Disease, is the most common type of heart disease in America, according to the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention.. Because this type of heart disease is on the list of presumptive Agent Orange diseases, military veterans . Please reference the Terms of Use and the Supplemental Terms for specific information related to your state. Agent Orange Disability Compensation. I just. Agent Orange. porphyria cutanea tarda, which must have manifested itself within one year after exposure to Agent Orange. The herbicide was used to clear foliage for military operations. This is followed by a discussion of litigation pertaining to Navy veterans of the Vietnam Era who served offshore and were never physically present on Vietnamese soil. Normally, the effective date for a VA Compensation Claim is the date the claim was filed, or the date the Intent to File was filed. Their dependents and survivors also may be eligible for benefits. See: Other Veterans whose duty outside of Vietnam involved the direct handling of Agent Orange. This means VA presumes they are related to a Veteran’s service in Vietnam. Pursuant to a congressional request, GAO examined the conduct and findings of the Air Force's Ranch Hand study on the long-term health effects of exposure to herbicides, such as Agent Orange, in Vietnam, and assessed the study's impact on ... You must provide your name, e-mail address, telephone and/or fax number, and VA file number/Social . These dates apply to veterans who served on the landmass of Vietnam or its inland waterways. Agent Orange. Existing stocks were collected and destroyed by incineration, and it is no longer used. The same applies to veterans who served in or near the Korean demilitarized zone between 1968 and 1971. Office of Accountability & Whistleblower Protection, Training - Exposure - Experience (TEE) Tournament, Military Exposure Related Health Concerns, War Related Illness & Injury Study Center, Clinical Trainees (Academic Affiliations),,, How To File A VA Disability Claim | Veterans Affairs, Get Help Filing Your Claim Or Appeal | Veterans Affairs (, Bile Duct Cancer and Liver Fluke Infection, Chloracne or other acneform disease consistent with chloracne, Respiratory cancers (lung, bronchus, larynx, or trachea), Acute and subacute peripheral neuropathy, now classified as early-onset peripheral neuropathy. The program provides compensation for medical expenses associated with Agent Orange presumptive birth defects. Hypothyroidism, classified by the VA as diagnostic code 7903, is a condition that occurs when an individuals' thyroid gland fails to keep hormone levels as high as they should be. Once a disease is put on the list, it is easier to get disability compensation for it because the VA presumes the disease is a result of exposure to Agent Orange for veterans who served in Vietnam or its inland waterways between 1962 and 1975. Agent Orange was a herbicide mixture used by the U.S. military during the Vietnam War. WASHINGTON — A measure was included in the final […] Some diseases must have developed within certain time periods after leaving service for a veteran to qualify for presumptive service connection. VA offers health registry exams, health care, disability compensation and other benefits to eligible Veterans. 20 percent disability rating: $284.93 per month. For the uninitiated, Agent Orange is the moniker given to the "mixture of butoxyethanol esters of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) and 2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4,5-T)."1 It was a nasty chemical compound manufactured primarily by Dow Chemical and Monsanto (and others) at the instructions of the United States government . The "Nehmer effective dates" for Agent Orange benefits are related to a class action lawsuit. No, a veteran's disability compensation payments are not continued for a surviving spouse after death. Many veterans have questions about heart disease and whether it is connected to their military service. If you, your spouse, or a parent was exposed to Agent Orange during their military service and developed cancer or another medical condition listed below, you may be entitled to compensation of up to $39,000 per year in tax-free VA benefits. exposure to Agent Orange, and other herbicides used in Vietnam. Visit the VA website to learn about all the currently recognized diseases associated with Agent Orange. Veterans with hypertension can be assigned ratings ranging from 0 percent to 60 percent. military service in Vietnam during the period of January 9, 1962 to May 7, 1975. current diagnosis of: one of the diseases, or residuals of one of the diseases, that the VA recognizes as linked to Agent Orange exposure (see below). Subsequently, the enemy's food source was attacked. Agent Orange is a chemical warfare agent that has been linked to a wide variety of health issues in veterans. If you served in Vietnam or Thailand, or in or near the Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ)—and your child has spina . What were three reasons why the Catholic Church became so powerful in medieval Europe? No, a veteran’s disability compensation payments are not continued for a surviving spouse after death. Schwartz, in a recent interview, said if the U.S. conceded that Agent Orange caused birth defects, the Vietnamese government might seek compensation for children who've been harmed over there . Veterans Birth defects linked to Agent Orange. Birth defects linked to Agent Orange. This changed in 1991. This allows blue water veterans to be eligible for presumptive service connections for those conditions: In addition to meeting the military service requirement, you must also be diagnosed with one of the illnesses the VA recognizes as being linked to Agent Orange exposure. 1. If you were exposed to Agent Orange during your U.S. military service, you might be eligible for VA service-connected disability compensation for medical conditions associated with Agent Orange. Agent Orange and Cancer About 3 million Americans served in the armed forces in Vietnam and nearby areas during the 1960's and early 1970's, the . The diseases now on the VA’s Agent Orange list are ischemic heart disease, lung and trachea cancers, prostate cancer, multiple myeloma, Hodgkin’s disease, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, Parkinson’s Disease, type 2 diabetes, peripheral neuropathy, AL amyloidosis, chronic B-cell leukemia, chloracne, early-onset peripheral …. Submit a Disability Benefits Questionnaire completed by your physician, or attend a VA claim exam, if needed, before submitting your claim. You will now be able to tab or arrow up or down through the submenu options to access/activate the submenu links. Schwartz, in a recent interview, said if the U.S. conceded that Agent Orange caused birth defects, the Vietnamese government might seek compensation for children who've been harmed over there . To $ 2,527 per month as of 2008 contingent upon the level of Agent Orange for presumptive service-connected disability rate. 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